A Reflection on a Dying Artform

We live in such a digital world. I keep a personal journal. I write things that are thoughts about events of life. I write to keep the “art” of handwriting alive within me.

Handwriting, once known as longhand, was taught as a subject in school decades ago. I remember as a child (40+ years ago) in third grade learning “cursive” writing; practicing loops; getting them just so.

Today we use laptops, tablets, and smartphones; typing, texting, and even speaking our messages into our phones for the “mini computer” to compile our message and with the push of a button our message is sent. Touch screen is everywhere so you even have an option to not type but just touch. Does that translate to keeping in touch?

In a “click and drag” world is there given any thought to ponder, to meditate, to reflect upon anything? Does anyone think anymore or are we reduced to letting technology do it for us? Are we held accountable for our thoughts? Does anyone take time to “smell the roses” or is the rose merely a Photoshop copy, an illusion, of the real thing?

“A man’s mind may be likened to a garden, which may be intelligently cultivated or allowed to run wild; but whether cultivated or neglected, it must, and will, bring forth. If no useful seeds are put into it, then an abundance of useless weed seeds will fall therein, and will continue to produce their kind.”
― James AllenAs a Man Thinketh

As a man thinks in his heart, so is he. Proverbs 23:7

to stop and smell the roses: To relax; to take time out of one’s busy schedule to enjoy or appreciate the beauty of life. http://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/stop_and_smell_the_roses

5 thoughts on “A Reflection on a Dying Artform

  1. I had to work with my youngest (13) this week on his handwriting – he couldn’t remember how to sign his name! We are doing such a disservice to our children by not emphasizing how to read cursive writing by not having them write. My oldest (16) made flash cards for the first time last year for a science exam because I kept telling him that there is a different learning that comes from taking pencil/pen to paper and guess what? I was right and he now understands the value of that connection! I so agree with you!


    • When we write we are forced to process our thoughts differently. We lose a portion of our brain function by not writing. Glad you encourage your boys. Children are a blessing. Have a great weekend, Britt. Thanks for taking the time to leave me a note. 🙂


  2. We have our boys write a minimum of two personal letters to family or friends every week as a part of fulfilling our language arts homeschooling requirements. It has been a pleasure to watch their thought processes grow as they have begun relationships with loved ones who live far away. Their letters have grown from lists of things they like, to real conversations about “why” they like what they do, etc. And what a joy to receive responses in the mail!! Once in awhile they’ll write to one of their friends in town who are not homeschooled. The parents of those friends have told me how much their children LOVED getting those notes & couldn’t wait to write back…but when they sat down to do it, they didn’t even know how. That to me is sad. Truly evidence of a “dying artform”. May those who still pursue it, persevere for future generations!! 🙂

    Blessings to you, Debra! 🙂


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